
By RetiredDBA

Bog hopping

Another day out with the Cumbria Wildlife Trust - this time at Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve. A beautifully sunny day although the persistent easterlies kept the temperature down. The activities were centred on improving the visitor experience and removing invasive trees such a pine, birch and rhododendron from the bog. In the morning we dug up and re-planted some willow to provide a natural screen for the soon to be erected bird feeding station and created a platform for the soon to arrive portaloo! Foulshaw is home to a pair of breeding ospreys which are due to return in early April. The ospreys attract large numbers of visitors so I am sure the portaloo will be appreciated. In the afternoon we all hopped around the vast expanse of bog with spades, forks and loppers looking for invasive types of trees to remove. Thankfully avoided getting a boot full of water though came close on a couple of occasions. 

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