Farewell Koh Kradan. Hello Koh Libong

Thailand 2017, Day 25
Before you read any more of my rubbish. PLEASE have a look at C's fishy pics. 
A fairly early departure by long-tailed boat to our next destination, Koh Libong. There were just the two of us (plus the skipper) and it was an extremely pleasant journey at that time of day, and took about an hour. The skipper landed the boat right on the beach where our new accommodation is, so it was literally about a 30 second walk. 
When we checked in, our new place was described as a "pavilion", which made us both laugh - until we saw it. It has to be the nicest place that we have ever stayed in Thailand, and so we decided to extend our visit here from the intended 3 days to 6 days.
We went snorkelling off the beach and soon found ourselves in a "murmuration" of fish. A massive fish ball, thousands of them, that moved as one, chased by what looked like a small barracuda. Occasionally the ball split into two and then soon joined forces again. C got some superb photos of it which he has blipped (please have a look). 
Later on we went for a stroll and saw a lovely iridescent kingfisher (I got some photos but had the "wrong camera" with me so they were rubbish) and also the monitor lizard that I've put as an extra. He was I guess over a metre long, and was the other side of a nearby creek. I certainly wouldn't want to be in the water with him.
In the evening we walked along the beach to eat nearby, and sorry - yes it's another boring old sunset. 
Tomorrow we have booked to go on a trip in search of the elusive dugongs (sea-cows) - evidently they have not been spotted for a couple of weeks, so we're keeping our fingers crossed. They were the main reason that we wanted to visit this island (Libong) so we do hope that we see them. 
My other extra is of our "pavilion". The view from the loo is just fabulous (across the beach and sea)  and I may Blip it one day. 

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