
By CoffeePotter

Tuk-Tuk Tired

Back-Blipped on 17th February
We took a tuk-tuk to the nearby village of Jum late morning, so that was just right to visit one of our favourite places to eat, which is a fish restaurant on one of the piers jutting out into the sea. We enjoyed a great lunch whilst watching the sea eagles gliding on the breeze and occasionally diving into the sea. 
Our very own floor show. Or should that be "sea show"?
The main is a tuk-tuk driver having his siesta. The extras are a family mending a fishing net, and a motorbike on the beach at sunset. We've never seen motorbikes on the beaches here before and hopefully we won't again. There are several dogs where we are staying, whose main job is to deter the monkeys and snakes. Seconds after I tok this photo, the dogs took great exception to the motorbike and chased him into the distance, to great cheers from everyone watching!

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