Where did all those ....
....... YEARS go ......
You're in my thought and heart each and every day sweetheart. Time we had was so short , but family life is continuing the way you would have wished it to. Amazing daughters and partners, and amazing grandchildren .
I have been to the church yard today with the only offering I can make to this wonderful man, RIP dear.
Both my daughters contacted me today ( 1 from Cuba !) and my amazingly stoic grandson J, I'm so proud of him. Back at work even tho' he's still on aggressive treatment, so brave yet no one would know it , he just goes on with life, what a wonderful way to be , thank you for the call it was much appreciated.
It's a difficult day , made worse when you don't feel well.
But what have I got to worry about there's many with more to cope with.
I've just received a phone call from my daughter ( up north ) so that's great.
We shared a smile and a laugh , thank you C x
The smiles we share day by day
The laughs always sent our way
It's love that continues for all times
The sincerity goes on
And does not fade away.
Thankful ..... for the years we shared, not enough but the memories still remain.
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