25 Years on ....
..... you are still thought of EVERY day ....
I' m pleased I had 30 years with you Roy, you are still my strong arm, I can only be thankful that I was given your sure and steadfast guidance whilst we were together in marriage . As someone remarked 25 years ago - you were a special English gentleman only for David to add - a special Christian English gentleman . As a family we carry this way of life with us and always will.
When I went out to church today it was really nippy but I think it's a little warmer now and the sun keeps peeping through .
This afternoon J and K are visiting for a cuppa , bless them , and they don't just live round the corner, I do appreciate this act of kindness seldom seen in youngsters today , sadly, A will be here for a sandwich lunch then a short walk and back home for the grandson/daughter . The day will be busy and rightly so . Hope everyone has a wonderful 1st Sunday of Lent .
Happy ...... to have had my dear husband for as long as I did and to know all the families , up- north and on holiday are safe and well.
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