Fire and Ice

Dear Diary,

UGH!  24+ inches in this last storm and I am well and truly buried.  I lost my internet because of excessive snow on the satellite dish but today's sunny weather melted it enough to re-connect me. (It was so cute to see the little Chickadees coming for a drink of the melting snow!) Despite the cold temperatures the sun is working it's wonders.  This icicle is outside my bathroom window and the little Junco and I watched it drip, drip dripping.  Yes, cabin fever is setting in!

I know this looks like a monochrome image but I assure you, it is full color.  Much of my world is black and white now.  Chris, my snowplow guy, had to come three times during this storm and - wait for it - another storm is coming tomorrow!  Matt will be here in a few minutes to shovel me out and knock off the icicles but Emerson and I are staying nice and toasty by the fire, extra photo.  Later this week Chris will bring in the front end loader to move the snow piles.  A really big sigh...

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