Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

7 Ps

Preparation for Flossie continues. How many pups get their own stack of pink towels from M&S and their car seat cover and harness removed and washed?

This morning Mrs Booty took me to Mevagissy to meet Swillin'Billy and his good lady Kitty. We had arranged to meet so that I could lend him my copies of Gary Larson's "Far Side" cartoon collection. My mind is a parallel cartoon universe.

All going well, we arrived just ahead of the tourist hordes, had a chat about this, that but left the other strictly for a less salubrious occasion; when the idiot Bootneck said, "Mind if I take a photo?" So Baz got his camera out, whack, job done. I got my camera out and it said "Computer says NO!" Flat battery, spare at home. The seven Ps.
Prior Planning and Preparation Prevent Piss Poor Performance.

A few weeks ago I was asked by Blip Central if, having completed a year of penury and perjury I would mind them getting in touch with local papers etc for some Blip exposure. They did, I did, here it is. I'm a bit surprised at being described as "Charismatic," Mrs Bootneck nearly choked on her lunch, it may have had something to do with my left hand grabbing her throat as she hurled abuse at me.

West Briton.

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