Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Who dunnit?

This poor chap or chappesse was discovered this morning. No screams during the night, no affray, no blues and twos.
Evidence, a headless corpse, feet in the air. Clues, nil. Motive, hunger - satisfaction - play.

Suspects? The B&W moggy and JazzyB's moggy Gibby. Both are in custody. Waterboarding appears to be producing results. Their legal briefs have been told to leg it. JazzyB better get back soon, I don't think Gibby can take another 24 hours of immersion. Mwahhahhahahahah!

Meanwhile in other news, after yesterday's appearance in the local periodical, the door has been besieged by villagers with burning torches demanding,"Where is Charismo?"
You ain't seen me roight!

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