
By Legacy

Don't Believe Her

I'm finally home from that medieval torture chamber they call a veterinarian hospital.   It was ghastly!  First, they took some blood which I found very offensive because they didn't ask first.  Next they, and this is the real horror, fussed around with my personal nether regions which was even more offensive.  After that they stuck me in a cage, fed me some meager bowl of food and turned out the lights.  Apparently they thought I wanted to spend the night there but nobody asked me  about that either.  I put up a fuss but nobody paid any attention -- Imagine!!!  They woke me up in the morning only to give me something that knocked me out cold.  When I finally came to I was pretty sure something had been violated but I wasn't sure what so I stayed quiet hoping they'd forget about me.  Thankfully that worked and after an interminable length of time I was allowed to go home which brought about a whole other set of problems.  I don't care for car rides and my mom knows this so why she took an unacceptable detour is mystery to me.  She claimed she got lost but that's hard to believe since she knows the way home and she's lived in the area for 30-some-odd years.  I intend to lodge a complaint as soon as I find someone who will listen.  Harumph!!!!

In the process of being overly dramatic Lizzie forgot to mention that while her weight (18+ pounds) hasn't changed, her diabetes is in remission so she doesn't need insulin shots.  Very good news for both of us.  As for that horrendous trip home, she wasn't really being overly dramatic there.  I really did get lost but in my defense it's one of the easiest areas to get lost in around here.  I mean, I wasn't really lost.  I knew where I was but somehow I got on a couple of unfamiliar country roads and couldn't find the right one.  I felt like I was back in Ireland where getting lost on strange little dirt roads is a permanent experience.  

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