A story of courage

Just been round to my wonderful friends for dinner. Owen is in a wheelchair and has been for seven years owing to medical misadventure. They shifted here to be closer to their son who farms here.
He never gives up and likes to do his share. Today they shifted all this wood into the shed. He with a big plastic basin on his knee wheeling back and forth. He always gets the wood in for the house.
The wood came from another amazing person in our neighbourhood who carted and stacked it there to dry. Same man also got my wood for me last winter and stacked in my driveway to dry. He let me pay for the first trailer load and the rest he wouldn't accept money for , said he loves cutti9ng wood in his spare time. Lucky me.
When I am at my friends for a meal he always clears the table and stacks the dish-washer. He puts a board on his knee and stacks the plates on it wheeling back and forth.
They are such a great couple and I am lucky to have them for friends

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