For such a ...
... great day, I have very few photos to show for it! I was down to iPhone photos: this one or one of the dogs.
Three beautiful things:
A Spring like day in temperature, sunshine, flowers and birdsong. If you take the windchill temperature of Sunday and compare to today there was actually an 18 degree difference- crazy!
The first official Whitewater Kayaking 4* session. A whole day focusing on going back to the basics and making sure we are 'feeling' what the water is doing. Am pretty tired now but looking forward to tomorrow's session.
The unexpected bonus of stumbling across a great big pile of pallets which I am allowed to help myself to whilst carrying out en errand for a friend, and another friend with a truck to help me get them. My boat storage area will become a reality!
One thing to be grateful for:
A whole day spent outside in the fresh air- just perfect.
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