
By bananablip


Seven entire years of photographs and it's only taken nine and a half years to get here. I wonder how I'll ever remember those two and a half years worth of days if I have no blip record of them?! I think blip is the perfect antidote to losing your memory and for that reason alone it's probably worth blipping every day.

Today I drove to Wolverhampton to spend some time with the WYFC girls. The plan was to join them in school first to see them in action. I'd gone along with my DBS and two forms of photographic ID, as requested, but after being walked through the school to hand it all in, I was told my DBS was too old and then escorted out of the building. I felt like a criminal. I do get their policies but it seemed a bit extreme for a 45 min school session accompanied at all times by people who've been working at the school for years.

I had to twiddle my thumbs for a bit but it was worth it to finally spend some time with Rachel and Chemaine. Really great girls doing really great work in really difficult conditions. I hope SYFC can come alongside them and support them.

I had another really positive viewing this morning, this time with a cash buyer. Fingers firmly crossed.

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