
By bananablip

Friday fun

Fridays are my absolute favourite but today topped them all.

A great time in school with my favourite girls, eating too much sugar and generally having lots of fun. These girls make me want to be thirteen again so I can be their mate.

Then I took the rest of the afternoon off to join (most of) The Moores at Attingham park. It felt like glorious, glorious Springtime! Not only were the snowdrops out in their full splendour but we actually had to shed our coats. We raced around over mounds of earth and through tunnels and climbed over logs and swung as high as we could and giggled to our heart's content.

And I got a very exciting call from the estate agent and all being well I may have an offer soon!

This evening was steak night. Delicious. Terribly naughty because it meant a second run down to Tanners when we realised one beer just wasn't enough. Might as well make the most of living opposite the best wine shop in the world.

Thanks for all the comments on my blip birthday yesterday!

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