On the Circle Line at Westminster

The monthly trip up to London for a meeting at the Royal Courts of Justice. This was the view on the way home on the Circle Line from Temple to Victoria. Everything worked well both on the journey up and back with minimal waiting time. New trains on the Circle are all through trains where you can see all the way down the carriage which makes fascinating viewing as the train snakes its way along the tunnels. This was mid afternoon so it was very busy at all.

The meeting was one of the longer ones, lasting from 10.00am to 3.00pm with lots of inputs from outside organisations as well as the usual standing items of business. I did some rough calculations as the the cost of the meeting and it came out to around £30 per minute. Makes you think.

Time for an evening walk in the light, well, it started in the light but it was dark by the time we got home.

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