twinned with trumpton


A relatively quiet day; they are supposed to be on holiday, after all. We lazily loafed about for a couple of hours before getting out the bikes to hit Morrisons later on in the morning. A brief visit; cereal and milk and then homewards. I forgot to put it on Strava so my 100km week / every week for 2017 is looking like it's ended, unless I do something spectacular on Saturday. 

Home for lunch - we had a cooked breakfast. 

Then to G's end of course show before taking her off to try and forage for Ben More / outdoor equipment at Decathlon; largely unsuccessful. She was not for letting me do anything,not even gloves. 
So we trawled through B & Q (wallpaper paste, paintbrush), Krispy Kreme (Reese's Peanut Butter, Bubblegum, Chocolate Sprinkles) and Asda (wine, beer - much needed) and then finally took her home around 6, then home to feed them spag bol.

Follow up to yesterday's Tom / tooth thing; he woke, searched for the money and was disappointed to find nothing. I explained the tooth fairy needed the tooth under the pillow. We would do it tonight. He nodded, paused and then 'Daddy, can you not just give me the pound now...?'

Here's one for Nanzy to count the triangles...! (More blank canvases awaiting my attention)

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