twinned with trumpton


Last full day of having the boys. A low key morning; we had planned to go swimming, but that didn't happen; G has only just got the cast off her wrist / thumb, and besides - they slept in, so..

It was sunny; around 1030 we took a football to Porty beach (nabbed a Cigs whilst there) and kicked it about and generally fannied about in the warmth. 

We left around lunchtime; we grabbed sandwiches on our travels and then hit the museum to meet up with her and G. 

("Where are you?"

""In the museum"

"Which bit? We'll come and meet you"

"The bit with all the stuff in it...")

We played with the blissful cybraphon and other things; then we went home for pork stir fry and we wrote the diary for Alex class pet. 

And Tom managed to lose another tooth (I still didn't have a pound so I managed to find the one he'd got the previous night to stick under his pillow....)

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