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Manic day of packing - how much does one woman need for a week? Simplicity so doesn't apply when I go away. "Have car  Pack It " is my motto! Well who knows what the English weather will be so clothes, shoes and coats for every occasion! Plus my espresso machine had to be put in. I had to laugh as looking at the "Can't live without" mono monday entries I really felt there was nothing I couldn't live without if needs be - there were things I would miss but really I would adjust and maybe it would be good to go without. But on this holiday I didn't need or want to put this theory to the test! 
Nellie of The Woods called in and has now arranged to visit my sister one day next week to be shown how to do dry felting! She has also booked her to do some crafting workshops in the village hall later in the year!! Me too! folding paper trees out of books!
I was as usual put in a fury going up to do the chickens - I had asked a coop member with a Landrover to take the pellets to the plot - leaving them by the first gate as the path is well muddy and my car slips and slides. This was wed -  she did the close wed and open thursday - bag of pellets still there. She didn't know I had decided to go Friday not Thursday as I had previously said. I'm not sure she did either duty as mash bowl empty and just dry remains, poop drawers full of poop. I was going to message her and tell her not to do my sunday close as I would make other arrangements as I didn't trust ther  and in fact why didn't she just leave the coop - then realised I would need to find cover for her duties over the next week - Grrrrr! I was seething and even more so being thwarted at venting at her! On my return she is going to get it!
Anyway - the chickens now have a pine infused bedding all over the run to act as disinfectant and poop collecting. Wish I'd found it sooner! Hopefully this means the coop won't be as bad as I fear it could be on my return! In fact I intend to tell The Useless Bloke to sling his hook too! I'm going to spring a coup on the coop! The fact they do so little and have no care for the girls incenses me and I just don't want this constant rage. I have a plan as to how to do most of the opening and closing!
So - sister given final induction for the chickens at home, the cats and the fish - including cleaning the filter if necessary! Milkshake just loves her and sits on her lap everytime she fancies a stroke! When I  finally finished packing and  went  to bed sister called me into her room, Milkshake was asleep on her bed! Poor old FatCat is going to be lonely this week unless she is brave enough to come downstairs! Although I have a feeling the sanctity of her attic is not going to last long!

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