Billy the Kid

Scarlett wanted to go and see some animals today, so we went to Walton Hall where they have a children's zoo and a play area where both girls had fun on the swings (see my extras).  It's only small, but they have alpacas, donkeys, horses, sheep and goats as well as various birds.  This goat was stood on a raised platform and was watching us - he looks like he's smiling at us and looks very wise!

We went to Pizza Express for lunch, then I went to order a new blind for our dining room from the place that has done some for Rachel & Scott.  It'll be ready for I'm back up next month.  

Tonight, I'm on babysitting duties as Rachel & Scott have gone out for dinner as it's her birthday next week.  Violet was quite unsettled so she's been up with me for over an hour, but I've put her back to bed now and she seems to be ok although I can hear her chatting on her monitor.

This time in two weeks, we'll be on the plane!

Anyway, it's the weekend - have a good one!

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