
By jjones32

Lorraine Motel

A     What is going on in the photo?  
During school last year; my family and I went to Memphis, Tennessee. My grand-father had just passed away on, we traveled for sixteen hours. This picture is the memorial of where Martin Luther KingJr.  was shot and killed. The Lorraine Motel is where  Martin Luther KingJr. spent his last few minutes.

How is it related to a specific human geography concept from the current unit or previous unit?

This picture of the Lorraine Motel ties into site. When 
I had first walk into the Motel, there were two old fashion cars that had belonged to Martin Luther KingJr. In addition, there is another building across from the motel. Inside there is a museum that talks about Martin Luther KingJr. and his legacy.
C. Link the image to one of the five themes of geography with an explanation of how it relates.
Place: A physical characteristic about the Lorraine Motel is that it is located east of the Mississippi River. The climate there was about high eighty degrees Fahrenheit. As we drove to the motel there were lots of fun activities along the way. Human Characteristics for example, shopping center and downtown areas were excessively populated.(Word Count-154)

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