The Old Rugged Cross

D and I spent a few hours in the garden today. It was a lovely warm day and the sun came out for a while, I cleared an area at the bottom of the garden where Stinky George is buried. There was a patch of snowdrops down there, previously hidden under the huge overhanging tree, so that is my blip today, with George's grave behind. He has a rather fine wooden cross which we found in the garden when we moved here.

Alf has had his first trip into town with friends and no grown ups. They went on the bus. I only text him once to see if he was ok and I'm glad to say he is now home, safe and sound.

Oh, I forgot to say that I won the Camera Club challenge this week with my photo of The Guildhall so I had the pleasure of setting the theme for next week's challenge; 'Self portraits'. Hardly original but It might help put a few faces to names.

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