A find out the ....

..... why's and where's !!!!
Today O,M & myself started at 9.30am to go to Polegate. As I thought no answer @ E house investigated fully before I left. I then went to her sisters house, where P & her husband were so welcoming ( she tells me my letter of Dec. didn't arrive !! ) I was told that E was taken into hospital late on Wednesday night. They are keeping her until next week then she will go to Haven Grange, a sought of convalescence home before patients are sent home! According to her sister she was sent here after Christmas, then to her own home, she said E had been very happy here & socialising & making tea etc ! But of course it is only a 2 week stay!! It is a problem where she will be sent after 2 weeks as I was told she is definitely not well. At least I now have her brothers telephone number and corrected her sisters , so I have a point of call!
Then O & M deserved a walk along Eastbourne front , I had just parked the car & splat my windscreen provided a " loo " for an enormous pigeon !! We all walked along the front , the weather was brilliant & warm, then sat outside and had a coffee & " maybe " a cake!!! Then O& M walked up to the Wish tower whilst I wondered back to the pier, they soon caught me up, I sat on the pier & took a couple of photo's whilst they went to the end of the pier. We then drove to Beachy Head where O took M to see a few more sights. Then we drove to Exceat ( Severn sister's park) had a meal at the Cuckmere haven pub, I must say I was disappointed with my meal but O& M said there's was ok ! ( why penalise the driver!!! ) I got home after dropping the grandchildren off at 7.20pm. What a full day, still productive tho' sad in many ways. However I will now find out where I can visit at least she will be safe, that's got to be a good thing. Thank you P & T for all the info. & thank you O & M for accompanying me, hope I wasn't too much of a drag on your day , love you both xx

Thankful ..... for good weather for the long drive & the great company , tho' the outcome was a tad sad!

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