Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Today we had a trip to the Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester. My friend from work, Wendy, and her son, Jack, came to my house and then we all caught the train. Lewis, my eldest, opted to stay at home with Dad because he'd been to MoSI on a school trip recently and didn't want to go again. I'd never been and neither had my younger two. There is so much to see there and it's great that it's so hands on. We spent a good four hours or so there and the 4D Cinema was a big hit. The boys were really good although they did get a bit giddy on the train home. Jack was desperate for the loo but the train was too busy for him to get there so the poor lad took his mind off it by making up silly toilet songs!! Good fun but shattered.

In the evening I was due to go to a keep fit class with a friend, another Wendy. (It's weird, all of my friends are either called Cathy or Wendy!). She was picking me up so I was waiting for her little silver car to appear. A little silver car appeared and stopped outside my house, so I ran outside, flung open the car door with a big "hello!" and then realised that it wasn't my friend or her car! The poor woman in the car must've thought I was some kind of maniac...she was actually picking up one of my neighbours from across the way. I went back inside, feeling like a right clown and waited for my friend....then I decided to set out for the keep fit class in my own car because I was going to be really late for the class. My friend did call for me...two minutes after I'd left so she just went home again. She'd been bringing washing in and stuff and was just late. What a disaster!! Next week we will be more organised.

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