Druid's Temple

We went for a walk near Masham today and visited the Druid's Temple. This is, in fact, a folly created by William Danby, the eccentric master of nearby Swinton Castle in 1809. It bears some resemblance to Stonehenge, although it is oval rather than round, and sits in a hollow. I shall probably return to the site in future for a better shot of the site when the light is better and there aren't hyper-active kids climbing all over it.
Today's first extra is one of the stone piles around the site. The second is a view of nearby Leighton Reservoir - another spot I must visit when the weather picks up.
Afterwards, a very tasty Sunday roast dinner and some Black Sheep ale was enjoyed at the Black Swan pub in nearby Fearby.

(I was tempted to add the derelict Sunday tag, but maybe that would be stretching things a bit :)

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