Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Norrie Miller Walk Light Nights

Way back in the very early 70's, a wealthy local man called Sir Stanley Norrie-Miller died, and left a piece of ground running alongside the River Tay to be kept as a public park for the people of Perth. 

As part of the Winter Festival, and of the bid for Perth to be the next City of Culture, the council have had the walk lit up on several occasions; Halloween, Burn's Night, Chinese New Year, and for several days leading up to Valentine's Day. 

In keeping with the usual small-mindedness of such people, there has been a lot of moaning about the cost of this, and how much better the money could have been spent.  I thought it was brilliant, and since there was music playing, circus classes for the kids, and vendors selling hot chocolate and snacks, it was a perfect free night out. 

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