Off we go!

2years 315days

11pm. 1am. 3am. 5am. 7am. Katie's waking hours last night. It was like having a newborn. Only worse because just feeding her every two hours wasnt an option. She didnt just need to be burped/changed then settled. The first time she woke, she eventually told me that "the rain is going to come. It'll stop soon". Then "Mummy, I need you to pat me". Then went to sleep. I thought at 5am that was it for the night after she asked to go wee then have a bath. She did the former, I convinced her to come snuggle instead of the latter, and got her back to sleep.

Typically, she chose a night prior to a busy work day for Mummy. Got a big wedding on today, so she's off to nursery. She was perfectly happy getting up and ready, even wanted to put her nursery sweater on. She rode her balance bike at great speed there, chattering the whole time about the fact that her Grandad is going to pick her up. I suspect she'll be picked up a little early and treated to the park/a lolly/a walk/all of the above.

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