Ballet's open!

2years 316days

Katie has been so excited about today since the middle of July. She has missed ballet class a lot, and has missed her little friend Isla. But they were very pleased to see each other again today and were dancing together for nearly the whole time. Katie took a few minutes to settle as there were lots of new girls who were clingy to mummies but she soon got stuck in and joined the front row for all the line bits.

She slept better last night, did 630-5 and then 530-730. Mummy had a bad night but her sleeping was good (the wedding went really well, Thankyou all). I have discovered that it is much less of a rush for ballet if we take the train so we tried that today and it worked very well, cycling there and taking the bike on the train.

We are currently on the train to spend the afternoon with grandad and granny. Katie is looking forward to a play with them while I sort some work and then we are all going to have time together. Mummy is quite excited as i am going to have some grown up time this evening with my oldest friend once all our babies are in bed. Happy weekends!!

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