
By FarmerGirl


I thought it was about time I posted a picture, not the most glamorous photo, but it's very hard to be glamorous when dealing with cows and their crap. Here I am milking this afternoon - now you can put a face to the name.

Today has been busyhectic - not much time to sit down today. Overnight we had eight calves born (including one set of twins), and when we went to bring them out of the calving mob this morning, not one mum followed the trailer with her calf in it. So poor Farmerboy had to run around each of those 7 cows rounding them up, while I manned the gate so other cows didn't escape. It took a lot longer than it should have, and really put us behind for the rest of the day.

It doesn't help things that both Farmerboy and myself have colds (thanks to son C who bought it home from school) and are not performing on all cylinders. The lovely fine day we had compensated for not feeling 100%.

So it's early to bed again tonight, as that alarm will be going off at 4.45am tomorrow morning, and our day repeats itself..........

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