
By FarmerGirl's me!

While feeding the calves late this afternoon, the cows, which were in the neighbouring paddock, came over and started staring at all the calves drinking. Once the milk had all gone, the calves wondered over to the cows for a look and a moo talk. This cow and calf were sniffing each other to see if they were related. Not sure what the result was, as we took the milk trolley out of the paddock and headed back to the cowshed to clean it.

For those interested, Bradley is in the photo - he is the calf on the right (no.2).

Another beautiful day here - at afternoon tea the temperature gage hit 20 degrees. I mowed most of the lawn this afternoon (and that took me an hour on a ride on mower), however didn't quite get it finished as had to go up to the cowshed and feed calves. There is always another day tomorrow to finish off that job!

Off to bed extra early tonight, as I'm on milking duties tomorrow morning and have to get up at 4.45am!

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