Wipe Your Chin
First of all, thank you all so much for all the positive feedback on Laura and the chickadee! I am delighted that you all felt how special that moment was on so many levels... As well, thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday! I had a marvellous day and it warmed my heart : )) xx
Today I spent mostly with the swans. Last year, I used to love a swan who would sit beside me on the bank of pond and would chase away the other birds. I have not seen her since last April but as she was tagged, I have started walking down by the lake to see if I can spot her. Hopefully, she found a life mate. In the meantime, I had fun photographing the swans that were around. Such beautiful, graceful creatures. This is a mute swan who was dipping his beak into the water and sending wonderful sprays of water from his beak! I decided to go black and white with this image as the water's blue was rather distracting.
Back to work tomorrow. Today was a holiday - Family Day : )) Have a great week!
D x
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