For all who know me, you know how much I love catching the sunrise. This morn I was up by 4:30 and putted around doing a few chores. I glanced out the window and saw the beginning of an incredible sunrise. There was no way I had time to finish getting ready for work and still make it down to the lake in time. This photo is totally unedited and truly does not do the sunrise justice. It was so brilliant...the colours so vivid...and I ran outside to take photos. The power lines, branches,, houses, etc. annoy me but oh what a sight it was. Within 10 mins it was like someone turned off the disco light and it was all gone....leaving nothing but grey skies.
Unbeknown to me, my sister was en route back home to Winnipeg from San Fransisco via Toronto. Who knew??? What an odd connecting flight. However, she happened to touch down when all this happened and took a phone photo through the plane's window. You can see the CN Tower's silhouette. What a cool image she got! How I wish I was on that plane...or at least west of the tower to get that shot....(see extra).
Can you believe that it is supposed to be up to 17 C tomorrow???? I may even leave my boots at home ; )
Take care...
D x
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