Made by Dad

I've had a long day with work and then viewing some new single level units being built. They're not for me. Location, size, and some design decisions just weren't right.

Some issues have been identified with the house inspection report for the buyer too. The next step is for a builder to decide is it's external damage only or internal. Buyer is still keen, we just have to work through the next part bit by bit. It isn't quake damage, it's water tightness around some windows on the south side. Hopefully it's not major or a deal breaker.

Work rolled on. Tomorrow we start our first clients through the system I've been configuring, understanding, and managing for the past 6 months. There are many more parts to the system I'm yet to configure and get working but tomorrow will be a milestone.

I feel a bit flat and uncertain about the house and I'll continue to take things a day at a time. Tell you what, real estate agents work hard - at least mine does.

I was thinking about all of that as I watered the Roma Garden and my eye fell on these garden sculptures Dad made me. I think they're pumice. He drilled holes in them and threaded them onto metal stakes. The one on the left is vertical and the one of the right forms a hoop shape.

It's good to end the day in a calm space. I might need to go and cultivate that.

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