Happy Birthday Sweet 16...

Es turned 16 today...how did that happen. It's a cliche but it does seem like just yesterday that she was born!

A particularly difficult entry into this world she spent two weeks in the neonatal unit and wasn't with me in the maternity ward. I saw her briefly after she was born by which time they had her in a medically enduced coma. Didn't hold her until the 24th. I was discharged and then there was a lot of running back and forward between the hospital and home until the 9th of March when I went back in...Es came up to the ward and we stayed in for a couple of nights to make sure I knew what I was doing!

Thinking a lot today of that time. Aunty Gill was working in North Wales at the time and attending a conference in Oxford. After the close of her conference she drove non stop past burning pyres of cattle as there was a foot and mouth outbreak...particularly harrowing for someone with a soft spot for cows. Onward she drove though to reach us about 10pm that night. Mr R managed to get her in to the neonatal unit to see Es and up to the ward to see me. I remember telling Gill that Eilidh's middle names were Gillian Campbell :-). Missing Gill today.

Sixteen years on an Eilidh is a strong, determined, capable and mostly sensible young woman. Wouldn't change her a bit...even the infuriating bits.

I am grateful for Eilidh and grateful for the memories.

We had some Fizz of the non-alcoholic variety and cake tonight. Her Birthday tea we are having on Saturday. She wanted a notebook with Paris on it...this is her gift from her brothers.

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