Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

This pictures a little sketchy


More faffing in Photoshop and once again, all I seem to have done is exagerate my wrinkles. Maybe time to move onto something else.

Received a newsletter at work the other day and it included an article on a training centre that Premier Inn have opened at a college in Oswestry to help young people with learning difficulties and disabilities, brief details of which I include below:

The training centre has been fitted out to the exact specifications of a Premier Inn hotel. In a familiar yet realistic setting, the students get the chance to hone their skills at housekeeping and reception – using genuine Premier Inn training materials and brand standards – gaining the skills they need to go on and complete work experience in our hotels. 

By giving students time to get used to the setting and familiarise themselves with the routine in the training centre, their confidence and self-esteem gets a boost too. A handful of Derwen graduates have already moved into paid employment with Premier Inn, and we hope the new training centre will help even more to achieve this. 

How cool is that. 

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