Poorly Pippa

Pippa had an accident this afternoon whist running for her ball in the park. She twisted her back, cried in pain and dropped to the ground.

Emergency local vet service saw her straight away and were so helpful. She is home having had 2 injections. Not good, she cannot stand on her back legs. Hasn't pee'd. They have discussed referral on if required, when I asked.

Fortunately R is staying here tonight and we have instructions to ring the vet in the morning. R will sleep downstairs in the room next to the kitchen, so that she can keep an eye on her.

Lottie is in her basket in the utility room, so can see Pippa in the kitchen through the gate, but we don't risk her cuddling up to Pippa.

We didn't anticipate any of this when we went out for a walk at 4pm today.

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