What a day!!

I had a bad night after my accident whilst playing with the ball yesterday.

I cried all night and so Mum, Grandma and Grandpa didn't get much, if any sleep. We were all up at 6am as Mum was getting the 7am train to Uni.

I had a return trip to see the vet in the village first thing to see what we do next. That resulted in a trip to Birmingham to a very smart Vetinary Hospital. The roads were not too busy which was just as well, as Doris (whoever she may be) made for a very bumpy 2hr ride. Lottie sat in the boot of the car, whilst I lay on the back seat on my super hero duvet and blanket, and cuddled up to Grandma.

I was treated like a queen. We parked the car at the entrance to the hospital and two nurses brought a trolley out to transport me into a special area.

The very nice lady vet examined me thoroughly and then spoke to G'm & G'd and Lottie. It was agreed that I would have a MRI scan and would have to have a nice little sleep whilst it was done. They said that I was so good and well behaved. I even pee'd for them, which made everyone happy as I'd hung on for 24hrs!!!

My support team had a couple of hours to pass so decided to have a walk to stretch the collective 8 legs. Lottie had been good as well and told me that they went in to a posh chippie for a coffee and shared plate of chips. The young man took pity on a rather windswept and bedraggled G'm when she asked if Lottie was allowed in.

The results of the scan show that I've got an ANNPE, which means some fluid has been squeezed from a spinal disc. I don't need an operation and with exercises and time should be able to walk again, but it will be a long job. I've got a good home care team so fingers crossed.

We didn't get back to G'm &G'd's until about 8.30 pm and Mum came over to stay the night. She brought a crate for me to sleep in, so that I'm safe from harm. It's set up in the kitchen and I can see Lottie in her bed.

It was midnight before we all got to bed, everyone tired out, so hopefully some sleep. It has been such a long day for everyone!!!

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