
We were going to have a pyjama day to recover from our crazy weekend but we ended up having a nice yet busy day. A friend invited us to join them at the cinema for the kids club showing of trolls so we headed out for that. We came back and katie worked super hard on her clarinet. She's got a video audition to do on Friday and obviously lost a couple of days with the fun madness of the weekend. She did a fantastic job. As she was finishing up, Grandad and Granny arrived!

We all went out to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition that is on loan fairly locally from the Natural History Musuem. Some incredible shots (some unimpressive stuff too but some seriously good!) some of it totally didn't capture Katie's attention but the ones that did she was really interested in the stories behind them. She loved the photo of the orangutan being rescued from illegal keeping and the photo of the baby orangutans being taken in a wheelbarrow to play in the jungle. There was also an exhibition of some amazing sculptures made of various textiles and different media. The blip manages to show something of both exhibitions!

Panda came out for the afternoon because monkey needed a wash. Katie was not amused.

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