Storm Doris

I was due to work an extra shift today, but as I'm not well they've said they'll manage without me.  They're such lovely people to work for, I went in yesterday and they asked me what I was doing there - what a difference to my last job!

When I woke up this morning I couldn't stop coughing for about an hour and I was quite wheezy so I phoned the doctor and managed to get an appointment.  I'm glad I did as he's given me a weeks' course of antibiotics and steroids so at least I should be better by the time we go away.  This is the third time since November that I've had the same symptoms and he said my immune system may still be low after the chemo, so I guess I need to look at taking some immune boosters!

Doris has arrived, so while I was out, I went down to the beach to get some shots of the the waves.  I stood at a safe distance, and still got soaked, but I love watching the sea when it's like this.  I've put a few others in my extras and the third one really shows the size of the waves with the cliffs to the right.  I was undecided whether to use that one as my blip, but there's a big water spot right in the centre of the lens.

Anyway, Doris seems to be building up, I can hear wheelie bins blowing up and down the street and our two garden storage boxes had blown open even though they had things on top weighing them down - I've now put some paving slabs on the top so they won't be going anywhere now!  I think it's worse up North, Rachel told me that Scarlett's big trampoline has ended up in their neighbours garden and they have a 6ft fence!  I've also seen pictures of garden fences that are completely destroyed.  So stay safe!

I've picked up my prescription and am on the sofa with my boys, we're not going anywhere.  We've unfortunately had to postpone our weekend with friends too, but I'm sure they don't want my germs!

And in other news, my heart goes out to Rose and Randy after losing their beloved Clarkie.  RIP gorgeous boy xx

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