Blooming Lovely

I had to be up and out early this morning as I was on the morning shift at work again and had to open up the surgery at 8am.  Unfortunately I don't have much of a voice now, so it's not been easy taking phone calls, but I managed and our patients were quite sympathetic.  When I finished at 2pm I came straight home, put my feet up and fell asleep again!

My blip today is a beautiful orchid that mum bought me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It hasn't flowered since then, but its suddenly burst into life again.  It's not the usual type of orchid that you see, it has very thick bamboo like stalks and I couldn't remember its name, so I googled it and apparently it's a Dendrobium Nobile  hybrid.

 Ten days until Dubai, so ten days to shake off this lurgy!

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