A found!!!

The one and only workday today. After work I cooked a kettel full of salmon soup. Then drove my son to the university for his physics course.

As I had nice time to make a short walk, I did try to find some geogaghes. Found one, but found also a church where I had never visited before. To my big surprise the church was open in the evening, so I walked in.
All quiet. Some people sitting on the benches.

This Viinikka Church is considered as the main work of architect George Vaskinen in 1927.
It was the first Finnish church building with the church hall, the rectory and the club facilities under the same roof.

The Church is Classicism style of the 1920's, as well as functionalism. The inside is decorated with 1930's style. The altarpiece has a recess in which there is gold-plated, wooden sculpture of by Väinö Rikhard Rautalin. Also bronze round reliefs are Rautalin's work, as well as the main entrance. Eino Rapp and Eino Kauria have made the wall and ceiling paintings of the church.

One specialty of the church are its swastika ornaments.
In the extra the church with it's exterior.

Now heading to the one day holiday.
Then weekend. Have a nice weekend, all!


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