The project, not me.
Yesterday's daylight blip is trapped in my camera and I didn't have a chance today to liberate it. More digging since, despite my worries of having done too much yesterday, I felt fine. Of course I am mainly spurred on by the grumpiness of having already paid twice for this work. There's nothing like a grumpy Geordie for getting stuck into some hard work.
Today also saw CarbBoy at the orthophoniste so she could finish evaluating how his brain works. She has no available regular treatment slots but I have obviously managed to convey that we are very flexible and will take any cancellations she has. Some tricky things to convey today with other folk: condoling a former employee whose dad just died at age 54, and carefully treading a line on some basketball money that has gone missing.
While trying to see if I'd noted the money's transmission on blip, I realised that all my blips since I started using this phone are littered with typos. I blame long-sightedness and non-Apple auto-correct! Every 'my' auto-corrects to 'NY' and every CarbBoy to CarbOy (though CarbBiy corrects to CarbBoy, so that's how I write it now). Must just keep remembering the 500 euros I saved....
So, Mr B has somehow escaped Storm Doris's best efforts to keep him in the UK and should be here any minute. Where's that corkscrew...
The project was a garland for TallGirl's lampshade. I think I need a job....
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