Abstract Thursday : : Mushrooms on a Tree

In spite of heavy frost last night, the sun was out this morning and stayed out all day, warming the copious mushrooms growing on the trunk of a tree.  Despite the chill in the air, there are distinct signs of spring around us.. 

A Stellar jay tries persistently but fruitlessly to snag some string for her nest. Unfortunately it is tied to a glass ornament hanging from a tree, and pull as she might she couldn't loosen it.  I can tell OilMan is contemplating  going outside and hanging bits of string from the trees. 

The cormorants at Spring Lake, looking headless from a distance, turn out to be preening themselves, wrapping their long necks around their bodies as they sit on their log in the sun. The swan couple raise their wings and chase away the geese trying to nab some grain a man is tossing in the water. 

A man fishing in his inflatable dinghy looks peaceful rather than cold, although one wonders how anything, man or fish, can see anything in the muddy water. 

I vacuumed out the inside of my little red car which was in danger of growing mushrooms itself. Next time I will take it to the dealer who will do it for free and wash the outside as well in half the time. 

Last evening we saw a bat flying into the bat house,  which has hung deserted from a tree since Dana gave it to us for Christmas several years ago.

Daffodil, Narcissus and Hellebore are in full bloom . A tendril of the Passiflora vine has escaped the top of the arbor and is growing to the top of a  very tall bamboo. Soon it will be trying to get into the bedroom again....

It is possible once in awhile to spend a whole day without hearing about plans for making America great again, or even speculating about how anybody could even entertain a notion that this could possibly be so.

Back into the fray tomorrow....

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