twinned with trumpton


A bit wet and windy; for once common sense prevailed and I took the car; but really it made me realise how much I hate the constrictions of driving for work and I was missing the freedom of the bike. But I didn;t get froaen or soaked in quite the same way, so...
Started locally; wound my way to the soothside via Leith (a few sore heads and let's be honest - a hangover and morning like that? I'd not be rushing out in it)
Then out to Wester Hailes where the snow was lying, but barely. An enjoyable diversion in the Westside Plaza and then into town to say hi to her; we grabbed a coffee and a chat - she seems run down and distracted; hmmmm.

Then home to work; writing up the reports for the final few hours of the working week. 

A long list of things to do was written. Some of which I may even get round to doing. 

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