twinned with trumpton


To the office! (zzzzz)

It's never good to be on the office after a week away having loafed, explored, roamed, messed about and generally done loads but with no structure. 

Back to earth with a hefty bump. 

I stuck to the task dutifully to the watching world,  but inwardly with no interest in it at all. 

At lunchtime I went on pest patrol to hers; evidence of little critters so I did as bidden and came back to work to try and stay awake in the face of overwhelming tedium. 

At 5, I roused myself to go to hers and have dinner. Which was nice. I remember pear and blue cheese and prosciutto and copious amounts of wine before heading off homeward.

Another shot I submitted to in an attemot to get some photography work for them. We'll see.

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