in the early morning sun

I really like the Milton Keynes shopping centre.  First thing in the morning.  When it’s empty.  Oh - and it has to be a sunny day as well.

This is the John Lewis end.  In the distance, over a km away is my destination, the Apple shop.  By the time I get back to my starting point, I’ve walked 3393 steps or 3km.

And I came home with the same amount of money in my pocket as I started with.  My kind of walk.

I would walk 3000 steps and I would walk 3000 more
‘cos I’m the one who used a Fitbit 
on the shopping centre floor

I’ve a Fitbit
(I’ve a Fitbit)
I’ve a Fitbit
(I’ve a Fitbit)

and so on …..

(apologies to Craig and Charlie)

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