The cat we don't feed

This is our cat, sort of.  It's not actually our cat and we pretend we don't feed it, except we do, every morning. It started when we spotted it before Christmas and I took pity as it has a sqwonk tail, we don't know if it was once broken, or got caught in something, but it looks like half it's tail is about to fall off.  Anyway, winter, poorly cat, woman full of hormones who misses her old cats - it was always going to get fed wasn't it....  The dog walker next door happens to also work for a cat charity, a couple of chats with her has concluded that feeding it will make it easier to catch should it be needed, and that at the moment the tail is ok. 

Today, the cat even let me close enough to take its picture - we clearly have a bond - almost. 

FUF's this morning, love it.  Afternoon walk and shared part of it with the lady from down the road with a lovely - if very excitable - puppy.  Came home from the walk to a husband who had just handed in his latest assignment - evening off for him.  So I get my husband for the evening, lovely. 

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