Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Welcome to my world

Well one aspect of it. I got in early to set up for a special board meeting, something a little unusual that necessitated a longer than normal table to accommodate special guests. Couldn't resist trying this "view from the other end" shot. The main problem is that I have the dubious privilege of doing the minutes and at the moment I am suffering the return of a once cured hearing problem in one ear. Inevitably the quiet people always seem to choose to sit on the wrong side of me ...

Anyway this fairly intense morning session kind of took it out of me, so my afternoon was not the most productive. Plodding might be a good word for it. 

We also had a special briefing this morning with more big news on the change front. Seems to happen every week at the moment. But in my experience, once the NHS goes for change it does it in a snowballing way that gathers momentum... Oh and Sainsbury's have put up the price of a bag of doughnuts from 65p to 70p which is a disgrace ... and for some reason those bloody tories won an unexpected by-election. Amazes me that the brown stuff doesn't seem to stick to this terrible government of ours. It'll all end in tears ...

Anyway, movie night tonight with a couple of beers. That's me sorted...

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