
By cowgirl

All the best jobs!

Sav is bravely tackling the botched drain job! He's had to dig a trench to the problem area ( that the drain camera man showed us the other day ) and put in a new pipe, correctly attached this time.

The builder who's men put in the new pipe is denying any responsibility as " it was passed by the Building Standards man ". The Building Standards man has been asked about this. He may have passed it, but he didn't come to look at it as " it was done over a weekend ". No it wasn't as the builders didn't work weekends!! Honestly, they're all as bad as each other!!

I went down to see if they'd like a drink, having put the kettle on and had a wee first ... I forgot Sav was working on the sewage drain that THAT one of the two loos we use runs into! I got a 'look' when I got down there!

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