Chetham's Library Tour

I went into town for the blipmeet tour of Chetham's Library this afternoon. The tour started at 3pm, but I went earlier to try and find some TV acceptable clothes. I did buy a bright red dress...but it was so hard to find something that meets the criteria. At least I have made a start....and best of all it was a £10 bargain from Primarni!!

Chrissie was early too and we met up and had a mooch around the shops....whilst in M&S we bumped into Green56 who we persuaded to come along and join in the blipmeet. 

It was a Jonathon Schofield tour.....his knowledge of Manchester is phenomenal and full of quirky little details that make it so interesting. I loved these old books that were chained up with their spines facing inwards. 

We were all in need of a drink after the tour and Pauline suggested The Gaslamp Pub....another quirky little gem of a place. I had gone into town on the bus so I treated myself to their G&T of the came with mint and mango and was lovely.

I raced off the bus when I realised that it was twenty to six and I had to get home, change, titivate my hair and make up and be ready for 7pm when Pat was picking me up. It was a mad dash...but I made it. I decided to try out the red dress I'd bought and I have to say that I love it. 

The coven gathered to celebrate Carole's birthday and we had a lovely time, even though poor Carole was full of a cold. I think Prosecco has medicinal properties as Carole felt better after a few glasses and my leg wasn't as painful!!

What a lovely day!

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