
Little or large?  

The crocus bud looks huge against this perfect daffodil flower .  It's not a perspective trick, they really are close enough to kiss.  Narcissus jacetanus, the daff, is a small flowered species found wild in Spain.  This one was raised from seed of a wild collection made over 20 years ago.  On a dull damp day the crocuses all stayed almost closed but here you get a hint of the wonderful colour change that Crocus imperati makes as it opens.

Jamie home :-)  via a well known fast food outlet for breakfast.  Jacinta took him out for tea so he's been thoroughly spoilt today.  A quiet week ahead for him, building strength for a wheelchair basketball tournament at the end of the week.

Ruth is back at college.  Her train journey yesterday started with the excitement (?) of the train filling with smoke before it left Norwich station.  On disembarking she found she did not have her ticket ..... presumed lost in the melee of evacuation.  The train staff made allowances due to the smoke incident so she did not have to pay again.  Lucky for her in a way - it turned out she had actually left it at home! 

Fingers crossed for an uneventful week month year ahead :-)

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