
By mrsc48

A pizza

Mrs C is not happy!

I've been out for a catch up with my best friend. I looked on line before we went to get the offer for today to save us a few funds. All organised and proud of myself I parked my car at the train station and met my friend off the train.

We went off for pizza, we had good a laugh and got caught up. Was very pleasant.

We went to pay for the car park only my friend had misplaced her ticket, what a good job she found it as we discovered a £60 charge for lost tickets! Myself, very proud I could lay my hands on mine stuffed it in the machine to be told £12! I thought it was a mistake and when the machine wouldn't take payment Off my card I thought it must be free! My friend on her machine paid £10 but her machine wouldn't accept the rest! We ummed, ahhged, exclaimed and laughed at our dilema, a kind gentleman behind us showed each if us how to retrieve our tickets! A lady tried to pay on my machine too and it didn't accept her card either, so a nice gentleman from virgin told us to swap machines each, so the lady with her card went to my friends machine and my friend went to the lady with the cards machine. The gentleman behind us, by now had paid up and gone! I too paid with my card in the same machine as the lady with the card.

I said to the nice man from virgin i hadn't known it was £12 for 2 hours and he said it was on a big sign outside! I hadn't seen it.

So on looking at the sign outside I did see it. Can I be forgiven to think when it says on the sign £12 daily rate is for a day not part there of. Why doesn't it just say parking £12. Like normal parks do.

The moral of this story is don't park at the train station it'll cost you more than your pizza!

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